Florida Bill That Would Ban Hair Discrimination Against Black People Poised to Fail 3rd Time


DAYTONA BEACH NEWS-JOURNAL -- CROWN is an acronym for Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair and is sponsored in the House by Rep. Kamia L. Brown-D, who was not optimistic about its chances earlier this week. Sen. Randolph Bracy, also a Democrat, is the Senate sponsor for the bill (SB 1608).

“We are in the middle of week three and we have eight weeks here,” Brown said. “It’s received four referrals. It (the bill) has to go through four of our legislative committees in order to be brought forth to the entire body on the floor to be voted out. It seems as though there’s still not an appetite for the bill. But that will not stop myself and Senator Bracy from bringing advocacy around this particular issue.”. Read more.


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